About us

Kukuza works with businesses to define, transform, refine, plan, digitise and successfully execute their strategies and initiatives.

With our help, customers have navigated commercial and operational opportunities and challenges during periods of innovation, growth and change; and to build competitive advantage, drive market access, improve customer experience and increase market share.

Supporting you to drive success across your entire organisation

Innovate, prioritise and implement targeted growth with your business strategy
Achieve product, service, market success through planned execution
Optimise your business operations and sales force effectiveness
Exceed the expectations of all your customer groups


"Your dedication to our business is highly appreciated. We especially value your candid and honest strategic advice which has helped keep us focused on what we want and need to achieve."


Emerging Market Health Infrastructure Business
"Thank you for helping us to define and map out our business strategy. We’re on the execution journey, and it is going as planned."


Global Life Science Business
"The time that you took to work through our business processes and information, and to visualise them for us; has made an incredible impact on our business performance and customer satisfaction. Thank you."


Customer Service Business